D.J. MacHale
Pages: 372
Age Range: 12+
I found the first Pendragon in a small library in New Hampshire. I thought it seemed a little odd but decided to try it. From the very first page I was hooked. I was shocked at how awesome it was!
The story is about a boy named Bobby Pendragon who's uncle tells him he is a traveler. A traveler has the ability to go between different worlds. He soon finds himself on a territory called Denduron where he finds out he must save the territory from total destruction.
The character Bobby is well made up. Some books make the characters completely understand their call to duty which I hate. If somebody told you that you had to go fight a giant monster to save the world would you just be like "Cool. I don't have any problems against that!" which is why I liked The Merchant of Death. The plot was very fast and was just overall great!
There are 9 more books in the Pendragon series which PJ and I will review. They're all by DJ Machale and no co-authors. Bye!
-Ryan. (Check out our new YouTube channel here:http://www.youtube.com/user/PreteensBookWorld more videos coming!
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